
How does this work?
Sign up and earn Gems/Cash by completing offers which you use for the rewards you want or to cash it out. You gain a certain amount of Gems/cash depending the offers you do.There are Thousands of them and new offers are added often so it goes fast.

More informations in the F.A.Q. CLICK HERE

Completing an Offer

Completing offers gets you points to get free stuff! Go to the OFFERS or (BLVD) offer wall tab and choose an offer you would like to complete. You can browse different type of offers: E-mail submit, Survey, Trials, and even more. Games are coming out soon.

Make sure to read everything carefully and follow directions closely.

Offer Types:
Credit Card Offers
These offers require a valid credit card that is not pre-paid, there is no initial cost

Credit Card Offers (Pay)These offers require a valid credit card that is not pre-paid, but require you to purchase an item.

Cell Phone OffersA cell phone number with text messaging capabilities is required to complete these offers. However, please read carefully before completing these offers, as you may be charged for text messages sent to your cell phone.

Free Offers (Free)These are offers that you do not have to pay for. The easiest offers to complete are the 'email submits' as you are only required to provide your email address.

Some trials offers may require you to test the trial for X amount of days without Credit card needed.

Step 1-Go to Offers tab

Step 2- Click an offer you would like to complete. Here is an example. The offer will open in another tab.

Step 3- You must now fill-up the registration form and e-mail confirmation/verification. You must read and complete the description correctly to be credited.

Step 4- Confirm/verify e-mail by clicking the verification link(s) in e-mail(s).

Step 5- Reach the thank you/Final page.

Step 6- Wait to get credits. The approval should take minutes or up to 24h depending on the offers.

Tips for offers:

1- Try using a new e-mail adress every time you do an offer. So you need to create some Yahoo e-mails.

2- Always use the same informations.

3- Clear your cookies after/before each offers.

4- Do them one at time cause it won't works if you do all of them at once

5- Don't rush the offers take your time and let the page load fully.

6- Read carefully and complete the description of the offer.

There are plenty of these website but I found the best for you.
Click on more infos for details.

If you are ready click on the banner.

ALSO there is a guide for offers on the site ready to go!